Information about the company

The “Concept” S.R.L. (Ltd.) audit firm operates in the market of audit and consulting services since 1995, having qualified personnel for the successful addressing of professional challenges.


We offer auditing and consulting services in various areas such as trade, construction, light industry, wine industry, agriculture, processing industry, mass-media, public organizations’ operations, gambling, and others. 


Our primary objective is aimed at detecting, preventing and reducing business risks, and enhancing business efficiency.


The company’s strategic objectives:

  • provision of high quality services to Clients;
  • setting up favorable conditions for staff members’ career development and professional growth;
  • company financial success and continued growth.

Our firm provides a wide range of services:

  • audit of financial and business activity;
  • tax audit;
  • audit support services;
  • audit of share capital;
  • audit of payroll and personnel;
  • consulting in taxation and accounting;
  • tax planning;
  • set-up, recovery and keeping of accounting records;
  • preparation of accounting and tax reports;
  • legal advice on issues related to company registration, liquidation and reorganization;
  • drafting and expert examination of contracts/agreements, etc.

The company holds a valid license to perform the audit of firms (general audit) series A MMII No. 039235 dated 27 March 2007 issued by the Licensing Chamber of R.Moldova. Since April 1997 it has become a member of the Association of Auditors and Audit Companies of R.Moldova (AFAM).  

Our experts constantly attend advanced training courses, take part in conducting of various seminars on tax issues and are members of the editorial board of the “Accounting and Tax Advice” magazine.

The company enjoys a strong reputation among specialists of the Moldovan audit and consulting market, its employees’ professionalism being highly appreciated by both clients and independent experts. The sustained reputation of a highly professional, reliable, independent company demonstrates the achievement of a significant level of development – the result of a systematic and well-chosen business path.

Among the clients of “Concept” S.R.L. (Ltd.) in R.Moldova are a variety of major Moldovan companies and companies with foreign capital, state-owned enterprises, and non-governmental organizations.

The company guarantees confidentiality of interaction with its clients and bears liability for its work results in accordance with applicable laws and contract provisions.

Our company has acquired the full set of knowledge and skills which enables it to accomplish the most difficult tasks.



MD 2068, Кишинев, ул. Н. Димо 21/1, оф.8 "В"
Тел: (+373 22) 448 664
Факс: (+373 22) 438 108
© Concept