Consulting Services

The consulting services by subscription offered by the “Concept” S.R.L. (Ltd.) audit firm may solve many frequent problems on accounting, tax, management and personnel issues. Our consulting is based on the gained experience and on law interpretation practices. When providing consulting services, we also use official written explanations of Moldovan governmental bodies, including tax authorities.

We provide highly professional management consulting services under a consulting services agreement, raising awareness about existing risks of both ongoing and anticipated transactions and helping them streamline business processes. The number of the over-the-phone consultations is unlimited.  

We are also available to offer the following types of consulting services: 

  • Tax-related consultations; 
  • Consultations on financial accounting;
  • Consultations on civil, labor, and business law;
  • Consultations on incorporation and registration of companies and organizations;
  • Consultations on reorganization and liquidation of companies; amendments to the company incorporation documents;
  • Independent expert examination of legal documents (contracts, claims, actions, etc.);
  • Online legal and tax-related consultations;
  • Appealing of statements, decisions of tax authorities and other control bodies;
  • Provision of information on constant changes in the current laws, newsletters.


MD 2068, Кишинев, ул. Н. Димо 21/1, оф.8 "В"
Тел: (+373 22) 448 664
Факс: (+373 22) 438 108
© Concept